How many solar cells are required to run my house?
The answer to this question depends on how much electricity is consumed by you, and whether you receive brighter sun rays where you live.
You might require a lot of solar cells to power your whole house. But the initial step to be taken, before you build your own solar panel, is to reduce your electricity consumption. You can reduce your electricity usage by using super efficient, long-lasting fluorescent light bulbs. Also replace your old fridge with a new one which will cost you some money, but much less than the solar energy you would need to run it. Reduce the use of heating and cooling systems which often carry the major electrical load in your home.
The next logical step would be to work out how much energy you could expect from a solar panel at your location. The average size of a solar system that completely powers the house is 2000 Watts. In order to make 2000 watts of power you might require solar panels that are about 24 feet long and 10 feet high. Although, the requirement of each house is different, a PV system installation would generate approximately 750 kW per year.
Download earth4energy Manual by Michael Harvey to know more on how to build solar panel at home and save money.
click here to know more on diy solar panel
diy solar cell - How to build a solar panel at home
Do you want to save hundreds of dollars in your power bill?
Do you want to generate electricity using solar and wind power?
If your answer is YES, you should use solar power at your home to reduce electricity bill. Installation of solar panel used to be very costly but NOW you can do it yourself within your budget.
Michael Harvey, Renewable energy enthusiasts and creator of developed a complete step-by-step fully illustrated manual(Earth4Energy) & easy to follow videos. Earth4Energy has been put to the test by thousands and - It Works!
Click here to read Frank story ( dated 10th Jan 2009) on how he build a 80 watt solar panel using an alloy frame within few weekends.
You can read other customers testimonials and feedback on Machael's earth4energy DIY kit to build your own solar generator.
Click here to visit earth4enery home page to know more benefits of having a solar panel at home.
Cost - $49 ( one time )
Do you want to generate electricity using solar and wind power?
If your answer is YES, you should use solar power at your home to reduce electricity bill. Installation of solar panel used to be very costly but NOW you can do it yourself within your budget.
Michael Harvey, Renewable energy enthusiasts and creator of developed a complete step-by-step fully illustrated manual(Earth4Energy) & easy to follow videos. Earth4Energy has been put to the test by thousands and - It Works!
Click here to read Frank story ( dated 10th Jan 2009) on how he build a 80 watt solar panel using an alloy frame within few weekends.
You can read other customers testimonials and feedback on Machael's earth4energy DIY kit to build your own solar generator.
Click here to visit earth4enery home page to know more benefits of having a solar panel at home.
Cost - $49 ( one time )